Gosha-e- Afiyat


The development and shaping of a society are dependent on the personality of women. Women in every society are a reflection of their future. For the continued existence and progress of humanity, women must be accorded their basic human and social rights so that they may fulfil their obligations whole heartedly. It is however a bitter reality that today the Western woman is unable to maintain a balance between rights and obligations and the muslim woman too has forgotten her duties to carry out her revolutionary role towards the improvement of her society. This situation has pushed the women into a vague, uncertain and difficult position. Today our society besides being prone to overlook its other obligations is also hesitant in fulfilling its duties towards women. This is the main reason that the number of such unfortunate women, who are left alone to struggle against the injustices of society, who are left without a refuge wherein they can live in honour and whose eyes are searching expectantly for any ray of hope, is ever increasing.

The establishment of the “Al-Hafizat Trust” has already taken place to help such oppressed and helpless women who have no one to take care of them. The Trust has set up a respectable refuge centre for these helpless women by the name of Gosha-e-Aafiyam (or The Retreat) where not only are such women provided guidance and counselling as regards the purpose of their lives and existence, but they are also provided a respectable accommodation with homely feelings so that they may be able to playtire role in society.

Aims & Objectives

  • To act upon the rules of honour equality and respect accord
    to the tenets of Islam Providing the basic protection
    and extending help for the acquisition of bas
    human and social rights of women.
  • To work towards raising the levels of awareness among won in connection with Islamic consciousness and preaching to protect the rights accorded to women by Islam and release them of the injustices of society.
  • To utilise the skills of homeless and talented women and girls and to make different home based avenue of employement/income generation for the
  • To establish an Industrial Home, Hostel and Traning Ces for the fulfilment of various aims and objectiv
  • To work and to make consolidated efforts for the resolu of their lost social dignity(prestige).
  • To provide health care facilities to the wom
  • To dispel the wrong impression about Muslim/Pakis women at international levels by presenting the w with their true status as a Muslim woman.
  • To extend help and co-operation to other associat organizationss with similar aims and object
  • To acquire/collect funds,donation, property for the futherance and attainment of these objec AL-HAFAZAAT TRUST PAKISTAN The establishment of the “Al-Hafizat Trust has already taken place to help such oppressed and helpless women who have on one to take care of them. The Trust has set up a respectable refuge centre for these helpless women by the name of Gosha-e-Aafiyam (or The Retreat) where not only are such women provided guidance and councelling as regards the purpose of their lives and existence, they are also provided a respectable accomodation with homely feelings so that they may be able to playtire role in society.

Future Targets

  • Establishment of a hostel for working and needy women.
  • Setting up of an industrial home.
  • Setting up of a daycare center.
  • Training of household Craft skills.


A-62, Block Q, Noth Nazimabad, Karachi.